I do not take credit for this reflection - I have received it through 1001 worshipping communities of the PC(USA) - I wish to share in dialogue how we can be God's people in a new day and age.
New missions can become irrelevant in just 10 years from when they begin. The would around us is changing and continues to change at a rapid rate. The ministry, service, action, and how we communicate, must change every year. Last year's great thing is just one new technology away from being irrelevant. The church, as a group of people, often seems to adjust very slowly to the world. By the time the latest and greatest technique for going into the community is being taught, that community has already changed and that technique no longer applies.
We cannot accurately predict future trends and what the new realities of our community will be, but we can begin to teach adaptability to the people who join a new mission. Adaptability is love. Loving a child must be expressed differently when the child is 1 year old compared to when that child is 21. We adapt because we love.
what defines your community of faith?
What ministry, program, or activities would be hard for you to stop doing?
Schedule a time with your key ministry leaders each year to evaluate your ministry program. Ask: Why should we continue X,Y, Z ministry?
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